Batman Begins Review

Posted in On DVD by - August 06, 2013

batman_begins_2005If you like superhero origin movies then Batman Begins is for you. It stars Christan Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Liam Neeson as Ducard, Micheal Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as Gordon and Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes.

Batman Begins is the story of  the origin of Batman, from his fall into a well creating his fear of bats, to his training and return to Gotham and fighting the mob. This retelling of a superhero’s origin is done in the same manner as this year’s Man of Steel for Superman.

Just like Man of Steel, the quality level of Batman Begins is also great. It has the right mixture of action and character development. The character development starts with Bruce Wayne’s flashbacks to his childhood, to his inital contact with the mysterious League of Shadows to showing what happens when he arrives back in Gotham unnanounced. Just like Man of Steel, the character development occurs more in the 1st half of the movie, before the villans attack Gotham.

Then in the 2nd half, the action happens. The movie’s quality does not go down as the action is very entertaining as the movie changes from a drama to an action oriented comic book movie. Overall, Batman Begins is a great origin story that started up a great trilogy of Batman movies (the Dark Knight Series).

Batman Begins is rated PG-13 for intense action violence, disturbing images and some thematic elements. I give Batman Begins a beginning A.

Movie Review Ninja Rating




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