Star Trek Into Darkness Review

Posted in On DVD by - May 17, 2013

MV5BMTk2NzczOTgxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODQ5ODczOQ@@._V1_SX214_If you like great sci-fi movies then Star Trek : Into Darkness is for you. It stars Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, Zoe Salanda as Uhura, Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harrison, Karl Urban as Bones, Simon Pegg as Scotty, John Cho as Sulu, Anton Yelchin as Chekov, and Bruce Greenwood as Pike.

Star Trek Into Darkness starts in the middle of another mission of the U.S.S Enterprise. They rescue the natives but they are seen by the natives when they are not supposed to be. Back at HQ, Captain Kirk and Spock are reprimanded for their actions with Kirk being demoted. Later at a bar, Pike re assigns Kirk to the Enterprise under his command. Suddenly, Starfleet is attacked and an emergency meeting is called to gather all of the officers. During the meeting, it is discovered that John Harrison, a former officer of Starfleet, perpetrated the attack. Suddenly, Harrison attacks killing several officers. The head of Starfleet gives Kirk back his ship and orders him to chase and kill Harrison.

Star Trek Into Darkness is a great sci – fi movie. J.J Abrams has successfully crafted a great sequel to the 2009 reboot that ends up being better then the first one. The mix of humor, drama and large epic action set pieces is masterful , creating a great sic fi movie and a thrilling summer blockbuster simultaneously.

Benedict Cumberbatch gives a astounding performance as the villainous John Harrison. He is menacing, cunning and evil creating a well rounded villain with several great moments and lines. This worthy villain needs to be defeated by he U.S.S Enterprise to save Starfleet and the world.

There is also some fan service with some cameos and nods to the original TV show that Star Trek fans will enjoy. They are brief but are important  to the story appearing later in the movie. Overall, Star Trek Into Darkness is a great sci fi movie with a multi dimensional villain and a few cameos.

Star Trek Into Darkness is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence. I give Star Trek Into Darkness a trek A.

Movie Review Ninja Rating




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