Moonrise Kingdom Review

Posted in On DVD by - May 31, 2013

Moonrise KingdomIf you like quirky comedies then Moonrise Kingdom is for you. It stars Bruce Willis as Captain Sharp, Edward Norton as Scout Master Ward, Bill Murray as Walt Bishop, Tilda Swinton as Social Services Officer, Jason Schwartzmann as Cousin Ben, Frances McDormand as Laura Bishop, Bob Babalan as Narrator, Kara Hayward as Suzy, and Jared Gilman as Sam. A very large cast.

Moonrise Kingdom is about what happens when Sam and Suzy run away to live together in a small New England town in the early 1960’s and how the town looks for them as a large storm is inbound to their small quiet island.

Moonrise Kingdom is a quirky funny comedy. Wes Anderson’s unique quirky style shines along with the all-around great ensemble cast. The large cast is made up of frequent collaborators of Anderson’s and several new collaborators. The 2 young leads are both new in their first roles and are also great, with believable chemistry.

The humor allows Anderson’s unique quirky style to shine throughout. The humor and quirkiness does not stop throughout the whole movie. There is even a narrator that adds to the quirky aspect occasionally popping up to set more events in motion and commentating on events and can be seen by the characters and the characters react to him. Overall, Moonrise Kingdom is a quirky comedy.

Moonrise Kingdom is rated PG-13 for sexual content and smoking. I give Moonrise Kingdom a quirky A-.

 Movie Review Ninja Rating


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