Kick-Ass 2 Review

Posted in On DVD by - December 03, 2013
Kick-Ass 2 Review

Several things changed between the release date of Kick-Ass and start of production of Kick-Ass 2. The director of the first one, Matthew Vaughn dropped out and replacement director Jeff Wadlow was chosen in his place. The cast also got older and there was one minor recast. Then there’s the fact it is a comic book adaptation sequel that was released just over 3 years after the original. With all of this, Kick-Ass 2 had a lot going against it. Yet it works as it’s still a lot of fun and has a lot of the same spirit that made the original work. That’s not to say it does not have it’s flaws though as there are several of them.

Kick-Ass 2 starts a few years after the original. Dave/Kick-Ass is still in high school and now has Katie as his girlfriend. Mindy is a freshman and is living with Big Daddy’s old friend . They are training until Mindy is caught and Dave is left on his own. He then goes to join Justice Forever which is a superhero group led by Colonel Stars and Stripes who fight crime inspired by him. They join and have to fight The Mother ——-  who has sworn vengengance on Kick-Ass after he murdered his father at the conclusion of the original.

Kick-Ass 2 is not as good as the original but still great. If you did not watch the first one, it may take some time to get in to the style, tone and the plot but you should probably watch the original before seeing the sequel unless you don’t have the opportunity to. There are also some nods to the original in some situations and dialogue. While there were a lot of changes, the humor is still the same.

It is still the over the top action and crude humor from the first one. Besides the directing, the style feels very much like the original. It is not as sharp with it’s satire and does feel not as origina but still feels similar.The action is still over the top and very comic book unlike the original which tried to be realistic. This one goes more over the top which can be fun but does take down some of what the original set out to do and what the franchise has been trying to do. The humor is also very similar. It is still crude but is very funny. Like the action, the humor can get over the top also. It seems that like a lot of sequels, the apporoach was to be more over the top and larger in every aspect which only partially worked. It is still a fun movie with fun action and fun humor. Overall, Kick Ass 2 is a great sequel that while falling short of the original but still is worth checking out if you a fan of the original.

Kick-Ass 2 is rated R for strong violence, pervasive language, crude and sexual content, and brief nudity. I give Kick-Ass 2 a kicking B+.

Movie Review Ninja Rating


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